WALKING THROUGH THE SEASONS At the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden


On January 1, 2017, Patti Jacquemain, a Santa Barbara artist, began a one-year project in which she walked over 325 miles throughout and around the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden.

She documented her walks each day in her journal which has been the inspiration for the exhibition of her artwork at the garden’s Pritzlaff Conservation Center and this book.

Her work portrays her vision of the year from the subtle changes in weather, the blooming of flowers and plants, wildlife, and the people encountered. It features watercolors and drawings from her journal, augmented with her unique mosaics and woodcut prints of the Botanic Garden.

64 pages, 8 1/2" x 10", 72 illustrations

ISBN-13: 978-0-916436-08-7 (hard cover) - $38.50

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