Hope Ranch, a Rambling Record by Harold S. Chase


Mention Hope Ranch to old-time Santa Barbara residents and they immediately think of Harold Chase. Harold Chase succeed where so many others failed. He planned an ideal community nearly 70 years ago and guided its development for 40 years. It is still successful 23 years after his death. In 1963 Chase wrote his original book, "Hope Ranch - a rambling record" to tell the story of the Ranch's evolution. Chase published his book at the age of 73, the year after he sold his financial interest in the Ranch. In 1993 the Hope Ranch Park Homes Association approved the republication of Chase's book as a 30th Anniversary Edition to make it readily available once again as a significant part of Hope Ranch's colorful past. The 30th Anniversary edition had to be totally recreated from the original 1963 edition, complete with computer enhanced typeface and photostatically reproduced images of the maps and handwritten documents included in his original volume. The text, taken from the original 1963 edition, is complete and faithful to Chase's style.

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